The "Shell" could be the separated self. Unwilling
to make contact [right relations] with its fellow humans around. Also through the use of the seperative lower mind alienating
itself from the love of god, thus a "shell" indeed. "The Divine Circulatory Flow" is interrupted and disease is resultant.
Where there is a barrier by the fifth breath Mind to
the sixth or higher buddic Love and it is not allowed to circulate through the lower bodies, and into the field of contact
of human affairs then the Self or"Shell" will die, as the lower corresponding breath will spiral to the source and leave the
body "Breathless" and in every sense diseased.
As the passages tell, the cure is the giving of the
breath of god to humanity through the selfless compassionate use of the lower threefold vehicle, which in reality is just
a channel for the inflow/outflow of spiritual energies.
The whole concept of oxygenation on all corresponding
levels has been expanded. Inspiration and Aspiration relate precisely. Is not humanity polluting is atmosphere once again
yet also learning to recognise this and trying to cleanse the atmosphere and achieve right relations. JPC.
Respiration, Prana, Breath, Consciousness:
Law IV: Disease, both physical and psychological,
has its roots in the good, the beautiful and the true. It is but a distorted reflection of divine possibilities. The thwarted
soul, seeking full expression of some divine characteristic or inner spiritual reality, produces within the substance of its
sheaths a point of friction. Upon this point the eyes of the personality are focused, and this leads to disease.
The art of the healer is concerned with the lifting
of the downward focused eyes unto the soul, the Healer within the form. The spiritual or third eye then directs the healing
force, and all is well... EH. AAB.
Six Words for Disciples:
Word Four: Respiration, resulting in creative
work. DINA I. AAB.
The process by which disease is manifested is similar, if not
exactly the same. In the case of a consumptive, if a victim of selfish desires in some incarnation, he first lays a train
of thought, the basic subject of which is intimately connected with one astral center of a physical organ.
If the line of thought, or
the desire for self-indulgence be more intimately concerned with a breath center, the soil or
habitat suitable for the awaiting fiery lives of tuberculosis will be created in the throat and lungs. These "fiery lives"
are always with us, but they can do no harm until a suitable habitat, a right soil is created for them, in which case they
are drawn as surely to that soil-center or organ as water is drawn to its own level.
Embodied in the bacillus they will at once attack
and devour the tissue forming the organ. As the requisite soil can only be created by self-indulgence, the right conditions
for recovery can only be created by sacrifice ; in other words, the center . the soil . the color . must be Purified so that
it will no longer furnish sustenance for the tubercular bacilli . no longer furnish a feeding ground for "the devourers."
This is done first by a positive idea of health, secondarily
by the renunciation of personal will and the sacrifice of those habits
or appetites of self-indulgence which were the original cause of the
disease ; and thirdly, by placing the physical body in conditions where nature's remedial agents will have the least to contend
with. [TT 266] The modern idea of treating disease is the only truly
scientific idea of cure advanced in this age. All others but drive the disease from one plane or organ
to another.
A positive desire for recovery
the renunciation of former methods of life, the sacrifice of deleterious and harmful appetites, the introduction
by natural means of a higher degree of the fiery lives . "the builders", by means of pure ozone
and oxygen, which in their turn destroy the "devourers" ; all these conduce to the recovery of the victim of his own imprudent
self-indulgence. "He who would find his life must lose it" ; he who
would find health must first destroy disease ; and his first effort
must be a Purification of the color centers of his astral body,
where the first causes of that disease are located, but he should
not stop there, for unless the disease is destroyed, root and
branch, it will only be transferred. Teachings of the Temple. Master Hilarion.
The Great Breath referred to in Occultism is the Breath
of God. When the Breath went forth it threw chaos into order and form. In other words, it was the basis for a [TT2@165] manifested
universe. This Great Breath also created seven hierarchal planes with their correspondences and everything on that plane receives
the Breath of God and evolves accordingly. Everything breathes, the mountains, the rocks, the rills and the hills. It is what
gives the fragrance to the flowers, and if we do not detect that fragrance it is because the breath vibration is either too
low or too high for us to perceive.
For instance the sun of our solar system beats once
in eleven years. The vital force sent through the ether to the planets keeps them alive. This is not blood as in the human
but is a vitalizing essence.
The sun breathes in and out between four and five years
and that breath is not air but is what Occultism calls Prana. As said, the rocks and all substances breathe. This is imperceptible
to our senses save as we perceive all substances are transformed into other substances in course of time. This is because
the pranic vital elements all make for transforming crude matter into astral and spiritual matter. There is much in the Biblical
expression that God breathed the Breath of Life into Adam who was a race of red clay and Adam as a race became a living soul.
So with all human and animal life it is the same. The Sun is a great transformer and transforms the Breath and Life of God
on the seven planes of Breath so that all things and creatures develop according to their needs.
As we aspire to the Godhead and His Servant the Sun
we indraw these forces to every part of our organism as nature does into hers. This law of Divine emanation is very important
to bear in mind, for God is always trying to reach us through his various agencies on the seven planes of Breath and Life.
Temple Teachings. Hilarion.
However it may be, "The Breath of the Father-Mother
issues cold and radiant and gets hot and corrupt, to cool once more, and be purified in the eternal bosom of inner Space,"
says the Commentary. Man absorbs cold pure air on the mountain-top, and throws it out impure, hot and transformed. Thus --the
higher atmosphere being the mouth, and the lower one the lungs of every globe -- the man of our planet breathes only the refuse
of "Mother"; therefore, "he is doomed to die on it."
He who would allotropise sluggish oxygen into Ozone
to a measure of alchemical activity, reducing it to its pure essence (for which there are means), would discover thereby a
substitute for an "Elixir of Life" and prepare it for practical use. SD. HPB.
The Second Round brings into manifestation the second
element AIR, that element, the purity of which would ensure continuous life to him who would use it. There have been two occultists
only in Europe who have discovered and even partially applied it in practice, though its composition has always been known
among the highest Eastern Initiates. The ozone of the modern chemists is poison compared with the real universal solvent which
could never be thought of unless it existed in nature. "From the second Round, Earth -- hitherto a foetus in the matrix of
Space -- began its real existence: it had developed individual sentient life, its second principle. The second corresponds
to the sixth (principle); the second is life continuous, the other, temporary." SD. HPB.
c. The problems
connected with the respiratory or breathing system are all related to the heart, and therefore concerned with the establishing
of right rhythm and right contact with the environment. The drawing in of the life breath, the sharing of the air with all
other human beings, denotes both an individual center of life and participation also in the general life of all. To these
problems of individual or separative existence and of its opposite, the Sacred Word, the OM, is intimately related. It might
be said [131] in the words of an occult manual on healing, given to advanced disciples, that
"He who lives under
the sound of the AUM knows himself. He who lives sounding the OM knows his brother. He who knows the Sound knows all." Then,
in the cryptic and symbolic language of the initiate, the manual goes on:
"The breath of life becomes the cause
of death to the one who lives within a shell. He exists but he is not; the breath then leaves and spirals to the whole.
Sacrifice is necessary; and the flame of the offering purifies, like ozone. LMG I. MM.]
"He who breathes forth the OM knows not himself alone.
He knows the breath is prana, life, the fluid of connection. The ills of life are his because they are the lot of man - not
generated in a shell, because the shell is not.
"He who is the Sound and sounding forth knows not disease, knows
not the hand of death." AAB. EH.
The Fifth [Ray] Breath [Manas, food for the Heart. jpc] is
in reality the inner breath and has its Occult centre of action in every cell and organ of the physical body as well as in
all correspondences of the same inner sheaths or principles... It is the first IN-breath in other words, and its element is
the correspondence of Oxygen on all planes. On the lowest astral this is pure Ozone which, however gross compared to
the higher aspects, is so fiery that physical lungs would soon be burned up were they to in-breath this element undiluted.
This may serve to give an idea of the breath of the Gods, so to speak, on the various planes of being. Theogenesis.
pg28.FLD Hilarion.
I believe Oxygen is a highly inflammable [Fiery] gas.
The supporter of combustion the life-giving
gas; the active chemical agent in all organic life.
An inert gas; the vehicle with which
Oxygen is mixed to adapt the latter for animal respiration; it also
enters largely into all organic substances.
PRANA, LIFE. the active power producing all vital
phenomena. SD. HPB.
The next substance investigated was oxygen, a far more
complicated and puzzling body; the difficulties of observation were very much increased by the extraordinary activity shown
by this element, and the dazzling brilliancy of some of its constituents. The gaseous atom is an ovoid body, within which
a spirally coiled snake-like body revolves at a high velocity, five brilliant points of light shining on the coils. The snake
appears to be a solid rounded body, but on raising the atom to E4, the snake splits lengthwise into two waved bodies, and
it is seen that the appearance of solidity is due to the fact that these spin round a common axis in opposite directions,
and so present a continuous surface, as a ring of fire can be made by whirling a lighted stick.
The brilliant bodies seen in the atom are on
the crests of the waves in the positive snake, and in the hollows in the negative one; the snake itself consists of small
bead-like bodies, eleven of which interpose between the larger brilliant spots. On raising these bodies to E3 the snakes break
up, each bright spot carrying with it six of the beads on one side and five on the other; these twist and writhe about still
with the same extraordinary activity, reminding one of fire-flies stimulated to wild gyrations. It can be seen that the larger
brilliant bodies each enclose seven ultimate atoms, while the beads each enclose two. (Each bright spot with its eleven beads
is enclosed in a wall, accidentally omitted.) On the next stage, E2, the fragments of the snakes break up into their constituent
parts; the positive and negative bodies, marked d and d1, showing a difference of arrangement of the atoms contained in them.
These again finally disintegrate, setting free the
ultimate physical atoms, identical with those obtained from hydrogen. The number of ultimate atoms contained in the gaseous
atom of oxygen is 290, made up as follows: 2 in each bead, of which there are 110; 7 in each bright spot, of which there are
10; 2 x 110 + 70 = 290. When the observers had worked out this, they compared it with the number of ultimate atoms in hydrogen:
290 / 18 = 16.11+ The respective numbers of ultimate atoms contained in a chemical atom of these two bodies are thus seen
to closely correspond with their accepted weight-numbers. It may be said in passing that a chemical atom of ozone appears
as an oblate spheroid, with the contained spiral much compressed and widened in the centre; the spiral consists of three snakes,
one positive and two negative, formed into a single revolving body. On raising the chemical atom to the next plane, the snake
divides into three, each being enclosed in its own egg. The chemical atom of nitrogen was the third selected by the students
for examination, as it seemed comparatively quiet in contrast with the ever-excited oxygen. Occult Chemistry.
Our existence depends on the circulation of the blood,
which enables the various areas of our body to receive the necessary materials, especially oxygen. It is known that many blood
vessels may contract under the influence of purely psychic experiences, as a result of which the circulation is disturbed
and the blood rushes toward some parts of the body and flows away from others. LHRII. MM.
This must be accepted as simply as is the vital importance
of oxygen. Equally simple should be the idea of the spiral nature of all that exists, and of creative explosions. Thus the
breath of the Cosmos will be realized as an ascending spiral. AY. MM.
Similarly, the Great Teacher M., while visiting Sikkim
for the meetings with H. P. Blavatsky, almost always smoked a special preparation of ozone for protection. LHRI.
The reason was that M. M., coming down from the heights,
of course felt the entire burden and pressure of the atmosphere of the valleys; thus for relief He smoked, or inhaled a special
preparation of ozone. Hence, the legend about the pipe and smoking. LHRII. MM.
Certainly the Mahatmas of the Himalayas are unable
to contact the auras of Earth-dwellers for long. They cannot even remain in the atmosphere of the valleys, owing to the lack
of correspondence in vibrations. Therefore a prolonged contact is mutually harmful; and in the case of Earth-dwellers it can
be even dangerous. Thus, in the times of H. P. B. the Mahatma K. H., who contacted the aura of the valleys longer than the
other Mahatmas, was recalled by his Hierarch into the Stronghold for recuperation. Likewise, we know that another Mahatma,
when coming to see Blavatsky in the mountains of Sikkim, had to inhale a special preparation of ozone almost continuously.
We also know that neither Buddha nor Christ were able to remain for long in the cities and amidst people and often had to
retire into the desert. LHRII. MM.
The illness of My Friend is an example. He
went out with a great store of psychic energy, but the ignorance of the people around him, and their irritability and stubbornness,
created a poisonous atmosphere. When in Our Tower We can use a special ozone, but I cannot deny that even there We suffer
from the poisoned atmosphere. Supm II 282. MM.
Oxygen - Just as the protracted changes into the imperceptible,
so is the structure of oxygen invisible-the birthplace of the power of fire. (AY, 499) MM.
32. It is difficult for a refined heart to exist in
the lower strata. To a certain extent the heights are helpful, but still the intervening breaks between the heart and its
fiery birthplace are too great. But these polluted strata should not have existed-people created them; hence they must strive
to purify them. Artificial ozone helps but little. Prana is purified by the highest Fire, and only this quality makes it creative.
Yet even in the plains, even in the city squares, before expressing a decision, try to inhale as deeply as possible. In this
inhalation perhaps a particle of the prana of Benefaction will reach you through all barriers. FW I. MM.
manifestation of transmission depends on the purity of the consciousness and on the oxygen attracted by the Fire of Space.
(AY, 500)
Ozone - Synonym for fresh, clean air. AY.
The sense of time lies in the perception of rays. The
protracted can turn into the fleeting. The structure of oxygen the birthplace of the power of fire is invisible. AY.
It may be said in passing that a chemical atom of ozone
appears as an oblate spheroid, with the contained spiral much compressed and widened in the centre; the spiral consists of
three snakes, one positive and two negative, formed into a single revolving body. On raising the chemical atom to the next
plane, the snake divides into three, each being enclosed in its own egg. A. Beseant.
Ozone here on Earth appears as a messenger from Above,
yet it will be the grossest manifestation of the Atmosphere. The Earthly azure is lofty, but it is like wool compared to the
fiery radiance. (FW I, 157) MM.
For Sound generates, or rather attracts together, the
elements that produce an ozone, the fabrication of which is beyond chemistry, but within the limits of Alchemy. It may even
resurrect a man or an animal whose astral "vital body" has not been irreparably separated from the physical body by the severance
of the magnetic or odic chord. As one saved thrice from death by that power, the writer ought to be credited with knowing
personally something about it. SD. HPB.
But one should guard fire as a treasure. The phosphorus
of the nerves is consumed like a wick; and is the lamp fit without it? One can add the oil of ozone, but without the wick
the nerves will not kindle the fire. (AY, 369) MM.
Each manifestation of Cosmos has its application in
Eternity. And, as is the devastation, so is the accumulation subject to the rhythm which is inseparable from the affirmed
course of your earthly events. The difference is that Zeus, in creating a cosmic storm, fills space with ozone; whereas your
earthly Zeus, creator of wrath, fills the sphere with suffocating smoke. In this, the lowest and the highest do not meet.
(INF I, 18) MM.
The ozone of Space and the rays of far-off worlds will
provide the planetary substance for the accumulation of new energies. (INF I, 23) MM.
Economy of energy is at the basis of the world's creation.
To enter a new house permeated with ozone means to receive admittance to new acquisitions. The work of a yogi is to destroy
the awe of death. (AY, 240) MM.
Ozonators - Ashrams may be defined as magnets and ozonators.
Being filled with heart energy provides a conduit for many things. Therefore, when I am concerned about spiritually pure atmosphere,
I have in mind a very important consequence...(FW II, 203) MM.
The fields of ice blossom with pure fire, and the air
is rich with ozone. LMG I 133. MM.
Dorje is the Sanskrit Vajra, a weapon or instrument
in the hands of some gods (the Tibetan Dragshed, the Devas who protect men), and is regarded as having the same occult power
of repelling evil influences by purifying the air as Ozone in chemistry. Voice. HPB.
The Teaching is not abstract but gives most practical
suggestions for application in life. Therefore, let us hold in our hearts all that is said about Hierarchy, and let us watch
the purity of our thoughts, for the maintenance of the purity of thought is similar to ozone. LHRI. MM.
creates images and imagination arouses breath. With the sixth breath [Ray] on the Universal planes of being, this process
is vast and indescribable in human terms but some idea may be gained by studying the effects of lower breath desires on the
human plane. All kinds of emotions which belong to the fourth or Rupa state of being effect the breath, as in joy and sorrow,
anger ,fear, fright, deep concentration and so on.
When lower emotional phases manifest, there is no control
of the breath centres. The breath becomes deep, rhythmical, catchy or shallow according to the phase of emotion manifesting.
Control the fourth breath by the sixth however, and all discording conditions disappear... And as the outer breath correlates
with the inner, every organ, cell and tissue of the body begins to breath in unison, for every organ and cell has the correspondence
in itself with every other organ, every cell having the analogue of lungs and the potential rhythm of all the seven breaths.
Theogenesis pg31/2. FLD. Hilarion.
The breath of all planes should be coordinated, and when
this is accomplished man becomes more than man, he is a Master of life - a Master of Breath and is omnipotent, Theo
pg34. FLD
"Let the three forms of energy electric pass upward to the Place of power. Let the forces
of the head and heart and all the nether aspects blend. Then let the Soul look out upon the inner world of light divine. Let
the word triumphant go forth: 'I mastered energy for I am energy itself. The Master and the mastered are but One.' "
EP I 417. AAB.
By intelligent study of the operations of the Great Breath in all its differentiations, applying
the knowledge imparted to you in instructions and correspondences, you should be able to throw open many now closed doors;
but let us never forget that back of all the most wonderful phenomena, back of all forms of energy, there is always the one
eternal, all-inclusive Energy-Divine Love. Temple Teachings. Hilarion.
The disease designated by
the name of asthma is one of the most difficult to diagnose, for many are suffering from symptoms which are diagnosed by the
doctors as those of asthma because of the shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing when frequently the person does not
in reality have asthma. There are various kinds of this disease. For instance there is hay asthma, which comes in the fall
of the year when the hay and grain are ripe. Sometimes it comes from the noxious pollen of poisonous flowers, which causes
a contraction of the passages to the lungs; these when inactive fill with mucus, causing labored breathing. Then we have the
heart or stomach asthma, which is often the result of irregularity of the blood flow through the valves of the heart, resulting
in labored breathing and contraction of the chest and lungs. Therefore the astrologer may find the diagnosis difficult.
Disturbance in the bronchioles, especially during the
summer months, as was the case with this young woman, whose trouble was caused by the inhalation of the pollen of certain
grasses and flowers. You will, however, find that in most cases of asthma there is impaired circulation. The blood stream
is sluggish, showing an affliction to Venus or Jupiter. When the blood is impure, elimination will also be sluggish. Great
care should be used in the selection of food. The patient should eat very lightly and only such foods as are easily digested
but which give the proper nourishment. Especially is this true of the evening meals, for attacks of asthma invariably follow
a heavy meal at night. Raw onion sandwiches eaten the last thing at night cut the phlegm and insure a sound sleep.
Gemini rules the arms and hands, shoulders, lungs, and the thymus gland, also the upper ribs, therefore afflictions in
Gemini cause pulmonary diseases, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, asthma and inflammation of the pericardium.
MERCURY-Nerves, bronchial tubes, pulmonary circulation,
thyroid gland, right cerebral hemisphere, cerebro-spinal system, sensory nerves, vital fluid in nerves, vocal cords, ears,
sight, tongue, all sense perception, breath. Max Heindel. Astro Diagnosis.